[previous posts]

70th; 40th
RIGHT this way
hither, thither
singin', swingin' life away
really, it's already
really, almost Q4?
Father, o Father

[ drop a note ]


and ever.

and ever and ever and ever and ever. and ever. and ever. :)

rocked some good church music w/ dcb last thursday. crowder's not a speaking man but his profound lyrics have always struck a chord w/ both of us. perfect mix of oldies and newbies... and the self-playing (2nd) set of drums (built by drummer) was incredible.

no tricks this hallow's eve weekend. but were treated w/ more "church music" on sunday night in sweet times of praise and prayer, ending w/ the charge/reminder that worship BEGINS when we leave those doors and offer our lives as daily living sacrifices.

an extra hour of sleep was much appreciated for our half marathon that morn. we're weeks away from the rock. hopefully, y's army knee will endure.

to this city, along with others in the Body, He has beckoned ... to minister, to serve, to befriend. merely minutes beyond our sheltered surburbia, it is a community in need. may complacency and comfort hinder us not as we answer His call and follow His heart.