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Father, o Father

ours who art in heaven gave us rememberance on sunday...

from isaac's sermon: grace extravagant demands love extravagant. what IS love extravagant? verily, it isn't just a theme for a single wedding day or the url that hosts this blog or a cool song we came to love or letters that spell out a catchy phrase on our bedroom wall. it is ... a life of worship by loving as He has loved & giving as He gave, whatever the circumstances or situations or things that come to pass. expecting nothing in return. simply and solely for the glory of God. any blessing we receive is by His grace alone... because that is what we were made to do. and yes, it is pretty much the most impossible thing in the world to do.

from our hearts: we lifted our voices to yuee's stronger 2x in consecutive services.

from whence we came to be: we know firsthand the love of our earthly fathers that knows no end. and yet, how much grander and deeper and wider is our fathers' Father's. dad ong was delivered a durian-flavoured, durian-scented and durian-shaped cake + local breads that made his son salivate; we lunched with dad kao at the "new" rice farm, drinking in endless bowls of herbal soup (buh tang), and gave send-off hugs + pounds of beloved pistachios and extra-dark chocolate (like daughter, like father?).

recent work: berryberry. we love the yogurt, the place, the people. and the green tea yogo is to melt for!