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Father, o Father
mothers & son
grace like rain
falling from the clouds
arms wide open
the grave, conquered

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really, almost Q4?

it's looking to be a year of weddings, babies, engagements, first-time (and second-time!) mommies & daddies, the dawn of decade three for g's peers. and here we stand, witnessing, celebrating with, partaking of these moments, but like an outsider of sorts, not quite experiencing fully what has already past or what may be yet to come.

yet content we are ... encouraged & refreshed by new circles of friends, enjoying old & new pasttimes both individually and together, pouring into causes close to our hearts, relishing rest and stillness and undoing; growing, building, discovering.

after a number of failed attempts, we finally picked up an iPhone 3GS. three generations now reside in the ong household. :) a game of phone swap has since ensued... g took y's 3G so that he could have the new one but then he took g's 1st gen old school one and decided he's digging it and might keep it for awhile, thus leaving the 3GS sitting prettily unused at home. :D in other apple news, y successfully completed a 2nd hackintosh with a new mini dell. g's indecision: similar hackintosh or a new MBP?

this past sunday's sermon was another convicting one for us -- what shade trees do we still hide under, ignorant of the agenda, will and purposes of God? a phrase from our song-of-the-now resonates: break our hearts for what breaks Yours.