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really, it's already
really, almost Q4?
Father, o Father
mothers & son
grace like rain
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arms wide open

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singin', swingin' life away

worshipped with hillsong united last week... 'twas 4 hours on our feet, bass-thumping, jumping & belting out awesome praise to our God with brothers and sisters in The Body. but an inkling of our to-come-unceasing-day-and-night "Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come".

but until that day... we seek justice, give, reach out to the poor, be hands and feet to our community, to our city, speak Truth, defend the widows and fatherless, get on our knees for the Lost... not to find purpose but because that IS our purpose. He has convicted and called and required us of such; ever loudly of late.

we both have black toes. too much ultimate {he} & marathon training {she}... and tennis-ing {we}.

yes, there will be an autumnal EU... landing in london on the dawn of g's 3rd decade of la vida loca.