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"Alive in this Moment"
october, 'tis
football under the moon
jello, ello, ello, o, o, o
fall, fall on us
aging w/ grace
untitled; too lazy to title

[ drop a note ]



accepted an invitation last week to a sotheby's preview auction benefitting both aids research and art. we went to admire the rachofsky house and artworks/design items coveted by dallas' socialites. think we were the only ones there to see vs. being seen. though the scene was very not us, the people-watching and masterpiece-marveling was a treat indeed. found two surprises to our delight: i] a piece by one of grace's most inspirational art profs up for bidding & ii] two limited edition warhol snowboards! both too long for g; otherwise we really considered. ;-) if the husband gets a new board, why not the wife? yes, he did. yes, she relented.

it's been really refreshing to meet with our kids one-on-one as they visit home. to see fruit in them, God at work, a friendship of a different nature, deeper level...

in the ending of endings, only 3 things matter, isaac so succinctly summed in our last young adult get-together: God, the word of God, and the souls of men.

yuee leaves in about 5 hours for chiner... 'til we re-unite in his home home. (but not home home HOME :P) g's passport was somehow misplaced/possibly stolen so we spent the day w/ some odd characters trying to rush for a new one. turned out to be an adventure somewhat.