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fall, fall on us
aging w/ grace
untitled; too lazy to title
divine desire
mid-night/morn musings

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jello, ello, ello, o, o, o

we had legs (& calves & feet) o' gelatin to show for our past sat. 20k @ the tour des fleurs. :P was an enjoyable & scenic run, nonetheless... very similar trail with the dallas half, which was the last long run we braved together prior to ong coupledom. post-race, we meandered through arboretum's fall flora. refilled on too many liquids (vitamin water and sweet leaf tea were our faves); refueled on scrumptious samples (hummmm, larabars sublime).

finally caught ultimatum (bourne 3) after watching the previous two last weekend. definitely not disappointed though we both missed crucial minutes (y missed the intro waiting on coffee after a seeming withdrawal, g ran out mid a chase sequence due to over-hydration? :P).

on more serious notes...

christine c, you are most prayed for as you begin ministering in india.

"my Word that goes out from my mouth...will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire" [isaiah 55:11]

from atheist to christian to small group shaker to sold out follower of Him. in a single year. we are encouraged and challenged upon remembrance of you.

sensing movement, initiative, change in our church, young adults, congregation...... a remix, revival of sorts?