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untitled; too lazy to title
divine desire
mid-night/morn musings
we are home.
saw the last...

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aging w/ grace

we celebrated the under 30 half yesterday w/ a day of whimsy: the steering wheel note/card, a shoutout on/from our fave radio station, b-day bouquet to the office, fresh seafood, dark chocolate w/ raspberries. hear y (& his msg to g), powerfm sept 6 day sponsor. what 10 secs (times 4x) of infamy. yet ingeniously multi-purpose... =) and might we pull a plug to support 89.7 -- an awesome station lifting Him up through rockin music. both of us are proudly club 3k. :)

she muses that when he tries, he romances quite creatively. once a year? :D

to g's 28 years He's blessed and blessing... and to growing old together.

a la browning (and read @ our ceremony, we forget not), "the best is yet to be."