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divine desire
mid-night/morn musings
we are home.
saw the last...
ugh, traffic
6 months to the day!

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untitled; too lazy to title

here we are... yet again looking at another end of the month. and end of a season? though summer really never ends in august around these parts. ;-)

the past weeks have just been odds and ends occupation. ... yuee's short stint to s.f. for a con and grace's home alone survival which may not be the last ... looks like he might be traveling a bit these next months. spending time w/ out-of-towners and soon-to-be out-of-towners. we gave grace's girls a fri. late night slideshowing of photos through the years.... ended up watching it several times, just reminiscing, w/ scattered tears. in a peculiar, indirect, God-thing way, they are the reason we're together. they've seen the story unfold from the beginning, helped shape it, write it. off they are, for yet another chapter, far from us in physical presence, but always near to heart and in prayers.

but not too distant... yet! we'll be a-visitin' some of them, yuee's guys, and misc friends in austin this labor day weekend. we're looking forward to just being away.

malachi 3:10

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies, "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!

He always outgives. as unworthy as we.