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divine desire
mid-night/morn musings
we are home.
saw the last...
ugh, traffic
6 months to the day!
three three
stormin' again

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blows, then bonding. why must mishaps ensue to bring people together? last saturday, dcfc had a praise night for our brother curtis, cancer-ridden and endangered of getting one of his piano-playing arms amputated. young, old, english-speaking, chinese-speaking, teen, baby, we sangs songs of worship in one accord. was refreshing, yet interrogating... so it takes another's misfortune to draw us close?

sat. found us @ the dma again for the roman ashes of vesuvius exhibit. was small but not bad... they had a group/club of guys in roman garb. more yummy eats @ 1717. grace ran into an old grad school classmate who works there now. we got kiddie and joined a roomful of little ones for craft time... made a laurel wreath for joy and a roman helmet/sword for johann. the aesop storyteller was also pretty enchanting. and arturo made his appearance. :) we were the only non-child, non-parentals present. dare to be different is yuee's mantra. nostalgic innocent carefree-ness cannot be beat.

ocean's 13 and transformers are two recent flicks we've caught after a who-knows-how-long hiatus from the movie theatre. both were quite entertaining but boy, has the cost of a movie ticket sky-rocketed. the home theatre suffices.

so it's friday again and we're looking at another weekend... where do the days go? july/august is one for birthdays. it's also our church's 25th anniversary.