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divine desire
mid-night/morn musings
we are home.
saw the last...
ugh, traffic
6 months to the day!
three three
stormin' again

[ drop a note ]



18:00 hours, 06.29, he texts: iPoop! :P

on fri. we observed the iPhone craze with a few apple store and at&t drive-by's but refused to queue up. sat., sent off the dcfc yugo team and on the way downtown to pick up yuee's aunt for the airport walked into northpark and casually picked one up. total line waiting time: 0 minutes. we held a ceremonial "unboxing" sat. eve. :) the first one will be for grace. yuee remains somewhat still in torment: get now or wait for 2nd gen w/ more advanced features? OR wait for an unlocked european version? he's salivated since january (and already mentioned in our way-back-when 01.10.07 posting!). regardless, it is a remarkable work of art we must say.

quite a few "toys" between the two of the last couple of weeks to play with. heh.

we are thankful for electronic joys like spiffy phones and cameras and such... but as we are praying for the many "beautiful feet" (romans 10:15) that have gone to speak truth to the lost this summer, we are reminded of our ultimate grand, grand calling.

non-coincidentally, opportunities have recently opened for us, too, to use the gifts He's given us to immerse ourselves, together, in social causes and more importantly, those with an eternal perspective.

"He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God." -Micah 6:8

let us cease not in what is good.