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we are home.

home. our home. it's nice coming home together.

so, camp? ... just can't be summed in a word or two ... God moved. prayerfully, we hope, among every single one of the almost 300 youth that went. for us, too, it was a time of worship, retreat, conviction. not of this world. no, we are not.

it was an unspeakable blessing that both of us got to see two kids in our small groups that we had been praying for some time come to receive Christ. both had been coming regularly to sg, seeking, looking for something. providence put them in our cabins and groups at camp. the sat. night of dedication, they gave their all to Him. we laid hands on them as they boldly stepped forward -- yuee with his guy, and grace with her gal -- and prayed, tearfully overjoyed, deeply to our sacred King, mighty Saviour, awesome Lord. it's indescribable. we are also much encouraged by the many re-dedications and recommitments, kneeling with them before our Father, giving Him everything, be it hurts, regrets, requests, pain, sin.