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ugh, traffic
6 months to the day!
three three
stormin' again
duckie deaths
mighty to save
hosanna, palm sunday
much going...
toto joy

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saw the last...

of 24 in 2007. we've watched pretty much every show this past season together. no small feat for her lack of tv-watching. was a stellar final two hours this week and surprisingly, not too cliffhanger-ish. what will we do without you, agent jack bauer? :D

our medusa lamp gave way. well, actually, only the base. the 5 goosenecks hang like wilted flower petals. just goes to show... the core, the foundation of anything means everything.

the acts church is fascinating. but almost unreal today. can it be real? a profound conundrum of late.

welcome back mom and dad kao. happy 69th, dad ong.

oh, we're breaking in our grill this weekend.