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mommies & yuee

y gets to "share" (get trumped? haha) his birthday weekend w/ mother's day every year. this year, it fell on the same sunday so it was kept low key.

had brunch @ pbc's main street cafe for mama kao (one of her fave places) and got to catch up a bit with the newlywed wu's. mama ong was delivered a chicken essence and floral basket. :)

that weekend, we also played delivery boy and girl to a henri bendel event while the sweetlylovely boys were away at a battle for the Bible conference. the last time we went bearing flowers was for their chick-fil-a gig so it's been fun meeting some of their clients and prettying their places up.

as a sort of belated b-day celebration, we'll be off in a few to nyc and then... italy! found out after we booked that we'll be missing e&s's wedding after all with some schedule conflicts. but we'll still get to hang out w/ one of y's close s'pore friends (+ wife + baby) who is in manhattan for a short stint.

much work to finish before we leave, though!