[previous posts]

sun & seventies
firsts of the season
b ours
an-thol-o-gy: a collection of stories, a series of...
blanket of busyness
what a trip, what a trip, what a trip
just breathe
holidays in the southwest

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woo, wu!

congrats AGAIN joyce & timmy. 3 days before the wedding, y found out he had to lead worship and g had to make a speech/toast. for the next 72 hours, the ong household was filled with songs strummed & sang and words spoken over and over and over and over. and over and over. and over. but honestly, it was an honour to be a part of a long-awaited union, a testament to God's faithfulness, sovereignty and perfect timing. love ya'll. :)

eric & sun: 05.22.10 in nyc. planning to go... and a possible trip afterwards?