[previous posts]

what a trip, what a trip, what a trip
just breathe
holidays in the southwest
larger than life
degrees of coldness
aca y alla
wee, three
and ever.
70th; 40th

[ drop a note ]


blanket of busyness

covers is smothering us.

but remembering crises and needs -- haiti, in our city, the world -- pull us out of our pigeon holes and petty preoccupations, pushing us back to perspective and purposeful sanity. we forget. all too often. no news from one of our wv kids in the disaster country... pray, give, pray, give, pray, pray. pray. PRAY.

gonna be quite a year... know it and feel it already. but ready. going forth with a strength not our own.

oh, and happy 27th, the doh jongness. :P and happy a few hours old, alyssa grace linh-diem dao, on the 27th. congrats l&d!