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just breathe
holidays in the southwest
larger than life
degrees of coldness
aca y alla
wee, three
and ever.
70th; 40th
RIGHT this way

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what a trip, what a trip, what a trip

the road to 2010...

post Christmas: vegas. this city's not us. fabricated and a bit too much. once-in-a-lifetime in a category of its own. :P
12.30: -282 feet below sea level, the lowest in n. america. utter solitude and an eerily welcomed desolation in death valley, ca. off-roading, hiking by moonlight, driving stretches on end with no cars ahead or behind.
12.31: back to the strip for NYE w/ g's fam. stood on las vegas blvd., vehicle-prohibited for the night, for a laser digital countdown + fireworks blasted from the street's iconic hotels w/ 315,000 crazy revelers.
01.01: up, up and away (hard-to-get-to away) to the highest peaks in brian head, utah for our first carves of the season. :) zion national park stops there and back w/ sunsets against stunning rock formations. of the intricate fingers of God, we cannot deny.

not-to-forgets: kao's stranded in ok blizzard & dan's "accident". gloria's lock-out in the hotel hallway & borrowed wheelchair. yogurt in, u-swirl-it, blizzberry, spoon me (in small town st. george) for g. y's detour drive for utah's grand circle of nat'l parks. dan's accident no.2 on bright angel trail in the grand canyon. :P

back, both of us... par avion for her, rue for him a few days later. still recovering somewhat.

regardless, hello another decade in century 21.