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firsts of the season
b ours
an-thol-o-gy: a collection of stories, a series of...
blanket of busyness
what a trip, what a trip, what a trip
just breathe
holidays in the southwest
larger than life

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sun & seventies

sorry for some delayed posts of late. we started this thing on blogger way back when and they've decided to stop their ftp service so we've been having to do some migration of sorts. ee-geek figured it out so we're rolling again... :)

last weekend we biked 30 miles @ tour dallas which felt like a breeze but ran 3 miles that seemed like neverending trudgery. however did we endure 26 merely months ago? :P as we cycled through d-town, the route was vaguely familiar as it followed a path similar to the white rock except now we were actually able to enjoy the sites and scenery without being in incredible pain! we welcome that short window of perfect spring weather before the heat sets in...

Easter passed quietly but contemplatively. for the first time, we went to a saturday evening service on our pastor's recommendation to allow room for the many visitors on sunday. it was also y's debut as cameraman since we joined the a/v & media team. w/ a sprained wrist at that! :)

congrats: baby karissa barfoot. we joked that if we were ever to have a girl, we'd have to find an name that ends in "isa" to follow our sg convention thus far. haha.