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riding the ride
1/12th 2009
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grace like rain

so the showers still showered... we biked through a crazy afternoon torrential downpour last saturday. visibility was nil and the fear of vehicles overrunning into us on the slippery roads gripped us for a few hours. but who are we to contest the floodgates of heaven? the grueling ride was a tangible representation of the path He's taken us the past couple of months... one of refinement, of sanctification. yuee's gripped passage in the army: hebrews 12:10-11.

read further to v.12: "Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees." so through the pouring sheets, we kept riding and riding and riding ... 'til that savior underpass where the MS crew finally called it a day and shuttles rescued us to tx motor speedway. late sat. nite they called off day 2. we were even more disappointed when there wasn't a drop of rain on sunday! but then again... who are we to contest Open Skies?

we met with The Church at God of the City this past tuesday night... greater things are yet to come. Lord, let us be meager vessels, just vessels.