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blessed, redeemed, justified
spring for a day
these are the things
but a vapor
the sun came back w/ us
and more???
more whiteness
-19 degrees sub-zero

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momentary afflictions

though weeks seems like a lifetime... mother's day and y's b-day came & went.

then finally, a breakthrough -- we cannot believe the debilitating effects of being misdiagnosed and prescribed meds that work AGAINST you. but alas, romans 8:28.

healing started but we thought not fast enough so g cancelled her trip w/ family to asia and then "uncancelled" it within 24 hours, on faith, and seeing the "miracle" of being delivered at just the right time, to see very ailing grandma.

feel free to check up on y this month; he will also gladly accept donated grub. :)

"When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by Glory
And I realize just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me..."