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these are the things
but a vapor
the sun came back w/ us
and more???
more whiteness
-19 degrees sub-zero
love does
blessed be the Name

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spring for a day

last weekend, we did the tour dallas w/ f&f. it was a leisurely ride on a PERFECT spring day! much nicer than last year. and then... came summer on sunday. hehe. :P it hit near 90's.

also helped out @ a hold 'em fundraising tourney for OOIAL... was interesting to see a few world champion poker players @ the table. we're def not gamblers or players so got to just hang out and chat.

this weekend we'll be heading to root for an underdog team from cornerstone crossroads academy (in partnership w/ our church), a school for at-risk students in south dallas, at a robotics competition. y's been working with them to write the software to control their robots. it's such a different world seeing kids from unheard-of circumstances, who love saturday school, who can live on so little, who choose to overcome. and this, in our "backyard". go CCA!

there's also a joint young adult get-together going on among the asian circles... not really in those connections anymore but may drop by for friends we don't see so often now. CCR RE-re-loaded? haha.