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but a vapor
the sun came back w/ us
and more???
more whiteness
-19 degrees sub-zero
love does
blessed be the Name

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these are the things

really? do we really get to witness life change week in and week out? before, it was just stories... names. on a screen. in a bulletin. spoken as examples. now they walk among us as friends, communing, interacting, challenging, reminding. what a God. and what people that love their God -- and full circle -- that love the people that their God loves.

last saturday, we got to do "run for cover" for the samaritan inn, which has special meaning for us since we volunteered here with our youth kids in our dating days. :) and sprint hard we did -- y placed 1st in age group for the 5k (and then played an ultimate tourney thereafter -- craziness!) and g came in 1st overall female for the 10k. it was one of the more difficult courses: short, steep hills; sharp turns; humidity; WIND. but we plodded through. we love running for a cause but deeper, seeing it as such a close metaphor to the race of life -- keep on keeping on for the prize! it looks like running is gaining lots of popularity around here. races plentiful... anyway, some inspiration.

and one more. g got to see a pre-release screening and thought it was uplifting and well done. lots of familiar scenes from kauai as well. :)