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free to sleep
yay for dad's day
buon giorno
water running tigers
mommies & yuee
go and be
woo, wu!
sun & seventies
firsts of the season

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happy belated, glo! our big "baby" for all seasons... she continually reminds us of complete trust & innocence, contentedness in simple joys & pleasures.

we had an opp to be on set for one of the sessions of filming our church is doing for a full feature flick, documenting with stills and footage of behind-the-scenes that will likely be rolled into a "the making of" documentary later on. so exciting! but we also witnessed it's insanely hard (and sometimes very tedious) work, what with take after take after take after take in the quest for perfection in too many facets -- scripting, actors, dialogue, movements, make-up, wardrobe, lighting, sound, etc, etc. much respect! it was also incredibly encouraging to see the majority of the crew being unpaid volunteers/church members and the Body using the gifts & talents (esp. in the arts!) He's blessed us with to make His name more famous. continuing to pray for the project; can't wait to see how His kingdom will be furthered in and through it.

we'll call them divine appointments but He's also allowed us to be involved from the ground up in several very cool soon-to-be-launches in the areas of online/social media, design, interactivity, and even telecom for ministry. stuff that makes us stay up late at night and smile big. :) more to come! always in awe of His perfect timing and doors that He opens at just the right moments.