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y's day, grads' day, moms' day

fri. evening g surprised y w/ a personal dinner of his fave meats & sweets for his 34th. happy birthday, old young man! saturday, we lunched/gorged w/ a hodgepodge mishmash of friends and got our japanese fix (after gone w/o sushi since jp trip last nov) at the semi-new japan house in plano. funny the unique circle of acquaintances you build over time in a given place...

the afternoon was fairly eventful: just barely made it to jojo's graduation @ tcu (her mom's comment "oh, are you guys in the same dept. as jojo?" made the b-day elder grin), cruised ft. worth, coffee&catchup with the truong's sans baby morgan, and ended the eve stopping by grapevine mills which we hadn't gone to in ages... since our way back when dating days when g was still obsessed w/ sanrio. we window-shopped the store -- she resisted the urge to buy despite his temptings. :P

on sun., we honoured mom ong w/ a rose arrangement sent from our reliable s'pore florist and mom kao w/ a brunch at sweet tomatoes. we stumbled upon this fresh choice-ish place in utah and were excited to find one in addison.

family, friends, food. we are happily full; finely filled and fueled. :]