[previous posts]

fm spain con amor
evergreen festivities
well into 2008
you never let go
worthy are the causes
merry, merry white Christmas
Oh The Glory Of It All
holidays mmvii
to the Giver
to the ong's

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hey, it's haywire texas weather season! snowy, then spring, sleety, next day summer. gotta love it.

yuee's feb. month of travels is over (finaled by bruce's bachelor ski party where gracie's beggings to tag along were to no avail :D). both of our jobs have been consuming, it seems. have also been delving into how to integrate new media, creativity, and technology to enhancing worship and church... His gifts, His glory.

so will the real spring springy please stand up, please stand up? :D we need to decide if we should start biking or attempt a late-season boarding excursion. :)) the latter is a very high possibility.

a too-much happening weekend has just begun.