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rocking & rolling

so the brimming past weekend...

we *kinda, sorta* rocked (but no head-banging) with caleb's band unveiled last sat. eve at live @ mokah. they vied with 6 other bands for a prize in a friendly battle of the bands. they're truly hard to the hard-core... hehe. :D but we digged the chill venue, a gallery-ish coffee shop/arts&music space deep in deep ellum but with a spiritual twist. unveiled's first cd is out and we surprisingly found "Yuee and Grace Ong" in their shoutouts. :) went w/ christine c, a now-legit vegan, to this vegetarian buffet in koreatown and succumbed yuee to "food that food eats". :] hey, there was homemade soy bulgogi?!

ears ringing, we left caleb's jamfest early to head back to surburbia (albeit "downtown" plano) for more music from ryan & sam @ this place called fusion cafe. they were playing to raise money for ryan's africa missions trip. it was swarming with asian kiddos. we met a couple of easily-mistaken-for "misfits" that turned out to be part of this congregation called "church under the tree" that meets literally under a tree @ a nearby park and reaches out to disenfranchised youth.

though we're not as involved in youth ministry as before, it's always refreshing to see our kids step up, reach out, cry out for change, and be that change: christine w/ her efforts with the asha orphanage after her india stint, ryan's heart for the aids epidemic and some of our former kids (chrissie, james, and more) who are going to thailand, kenya, and other locales this summer to speak boldly the word of Christ. we are, as always, blessed that God has called us to be senders. and He time and time again proves that we really cannot outgive Him.

sunday afternoon we went to one of REI's paddling days where we got to try out kayaks @ mckinney's towne lake. guess it's time for the summer sports?