[previous posts]

to the Giver
to the ong's
lion city corral
"Alive in this Moment"
october, 'tis
football under the moon
jello, ello, ello, o, o, o
fall, fall on us

[ drop a note ]


holidays mmvii

the consumerism has commenced. reluctantly, we took grace's cousin and cyber-wedded (for real!) new husband to black friday midnight madness @ allen outlets and confirmed yuee's infamous ism, "follow the crowd and get no farther than the crowd." :P

let us welcome the season as one for giving, being, reminisicing. for we've everything we need, plus plus.

saw lost in translation @ home together. was amusing relating to "familiar" sights & sounds experienced while in jah-pon.

the mountains of utah, make way... just short {but not short enough!} of a month 'til sweet, sweet powdery glidin'.

random thought we hadn't gotten to blog yet: guidance = God, u and i dance. :) from pastor jireh during his last dcfc visit.