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merry, merry white Christmas

we're soaking in a magnificent, snowy perfectly clear Christmas morn here at the canyons in utah.

it's been a grand time here: the joy of riding, the awe of God's hand in creation, the warmth of fellowship and friends. good group this time -- rebekah&isaac, george, tee, jen and us.

last night, the 7 of us were shivering in a blistery, icy, windy snowstorm of sorts, looking for the church we had planned for Christmas eve service. it seemed nowhere to be found so jen went into this random restaurant to ask for directions. this guy not only helped us but came out in the cold and pointed us in the vicinty. he also told us to look for a indonesian named johannes. we made it, finally, to a simple but meaningful candlelight service and found johannes, the only other asian at the church. we asked for restaurant suggestions and he recommended a place he worked part-time. not only that, he called his boss to come pick us up from the church. it turned out that the owner, howard, was the man who helped us with directions. dinner was an incredible experience w/ fine, authentic fusion fare and incredible conversation with wise howard and passionate johannes. we chatted like a group of old friends.

the name of the restaurant was good karma. we'll call it good Providence. :)