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happy birthday, JC
here a-party, there a-party
a for allen
turkey day
2 strong, 2 long: the ong's
big dump
goodbye, goodbye

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two double-oh nine

our nye in the big d was spent @ a stars game in a suite w/ opsol folks and a few soldiers. stars won! we brought two kao bros and a hsiao cousin. 'twas a trip. :P afterwards, we had a grand time people-watching the victory park crowd from up top the aa center.

"dropping by" the pac lock-in turned out to be 3 hours worth of loitering w/ counselors and kids. :) and deja vu, we said goodbye to daniel l yet again as he headed back to his now-home d.c. but just as we were so confident of last year (almost exactly to the day/hour!), this is not the end of our lai bro. in fact, there's much to anticipate in the months ahead. you shall see.

He hasn't let go. no He hasn't. happy 2009! to days of glory...

recent site: liveX. it's gonna be a evening to remember for another cause very close to our hearts -- missions. and hopefully, it marks the beginning of an organization that will continually challenge us all to live extraordinary lives, wherever God calls us to be.