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turkey day
2 strong, 2 long: the ong's
big dump
goodbye, goodbye
for s.su
stuff, just stuff
forever young

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a for allen

so allen ranked #20 in money magazine's 2008 best places to live along with mckinney, carrollton, and richardson. we'd LOVE it if there were mountains. :D but, for the now, we are content here, we are.

speaking of which, the vancouver trip was high on eating (discovery of this amazing taiwanese ice dessert called "snow flower"!), family time, sights but low on snow. we still got to board, though, so we'll call it our warm-up trip. :)

we came back to ... december -- carols on the radio, twinkle lights, evergreen trees, EOY deadlines, party invites. but what is this month, really?

... celebrating the Life that came that we might live ...