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2 strong, 2 long: the ong's
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here a-party, there a-party

e-i, AIYA, oh.

it's been get-togethers galore, sardined, stacked, sandwiched. good times, yes, but not all the time.

perhaps the most memorable this year was the "special friends" dinner at pbc. gloria was a guest of honour, along with an atrium full of "special" kids and adults (w/ their families) - those society deems as disabled, lesser, incapable, nuisances. but that night, they feasted like royalty and were affirmed of God's great love for each of them. we were humbled, seeing the faces of innocence and utter contentedness... and deeply reminded of the spirit of Christmas -- of His love for each of US. that, in all our depravity and humanity, He would be willing to come. for us.

recent site: operation once in a lifetime re-design. it's been mentioned around the web, with the most surprising on a hollywood celebrity gossip column. it is still a cause ever so dear to us and we do continue to salute our service men and women. we truly believe in this organization that readily responds to the needs of our military families.

our dptree has also been pretty busy with other odds and ends: consulting, designing, marketing, coding. fruity goodness.

welcome back, weng sibs james & joann. you are loved. :)