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toto joy
extreme kitchen makeover
got our eye on...
hello new year, byebye treo
ong post numero uno...

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much going...

a delish time we had in keystone two weekends ago. day 3 was sweet buttery luscious powder. good fellowship with old and new friends. the mountain we meet often in our dreams. 'til next season 'tis... sigh.

culture was of last weekend. special viewings @ the nasher and dma for the matisse exhibit. must make use of our museum membership. :D then caught a stars game in the suite again. they lost, unfortunately. 2 minor fights only... :)

were we crazy when we both said yes to start-ups? might as well do it now. we love but we tired.

kitchen to be done by this weekend. we think, hope, pray, plead, cry. :P deep cleaning to come. then will try to host...