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ong post numero uno...

how fitting for a first entry on Christmas.

this day, 5 years ago he asked dad for her hand ... in dating. =)

and so here we are ... another twenty-fifth of december. today, we celebrate togetherness, our newly ong-ness ... but moreso, we remember our Saviour, who came, who breathes life into us and has withheld no good thing from us. we live but humbled at such greatness and worship Him today. and always.

merry christmas.

enjoy the post-wedding memorabilia, photos and such. check back now and then for ong-goings and photo essays of events 'round about us. keep the fellowship; see beauty around you day by day.

'til soon...
y + g

"art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible."
// paul klee //

"now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
// hebrews ELEVEN one //