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if Easter is true...
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missin' our mamas

so it's two international flower deliveries this year... happy mother's day from afar. 

and happy b-day to y this past week. 

this story was a "gift" to both of us: i&l.

now reading this momentary marriage together. 

too many quotables to share (thus, MUST read the whole book!) but this one really spoke and ministered to us this past week:

"...marriage is a model of Christ and the church—namely, that this gives marriage a solid basis in grace, since Christ obtained and sustains his bride by grace alone...since Christ’s new covenant with his church is created by and sustained by blood-bought grace, therefore, human marriages are meant to showcase that new-covenant grace. And the way husbands and wives showcase it is by resting in the experience of God’s grace and bending it out from a vertical experience with God into a horizontal experience with their spouse. In other words, in marriage you live hour by hour in glad dependence on God’s forgiveness and justification and promised future grace, and you bend it out toward your spouse hour by hour—as an extension of God’s forgiveness and justification and promised help."

praying that we put "the glory of Christ’s covenant-keeping love on display" as we grow old together...