love seeks. love serves. love sends.
orthodoxy vs. orthopraxy.
jp has this way of speaking such truth profoundly but so practically... an ending of a holiday but just the beginning of a week of worship. :)
we enjoyed days of family, friends, the first hot pots of the season, laughter, games, fast cars, and sleep... of the sun and cold and panting in the winter air... but also of strangers and soldiers and unexpectedness and giving. of absolutely no shopping or black friday madness whatsoever but content and satisfied.
looking forward to running with team world vision next sunday! 26.2 for africa.
whether He gives, takes away, may we see blessing upon blessing, trusting in the Name to be blessed.
deeply thankful on this day o'thanks but not nearly enough or often enough...
sacrifices. vows.
praying to live gloriously before that one.
what the, november?!
enjoying the crisp fall days... volunteering, training/running/racing, biking, communing, working purposefully and passionately.
happy fam b-days, dan & momma kao.
and ... 11.11 cometh. 4 years long, strong. :D no big trippy trip this anniversary. dptree project deadlines mounting. but feeling some mountain air.... of the snow-capped order. haha.