pedaling to yogurtville... our neighbourhood spot now sports a "hall of no shame" featuring extreme yogurtists. current record holder consumed over 5 lbs in one sitting. so there -- crazier froyo fiends {than g} DO exist. :P
grilling with/for our small group. partial fail w/ some burnt ribeyes. but hey, being deep in fellowship is a good excuse. y is still lamenting... no worries, though, with more sunny days ahead.
we're upon passion week. what a different year. a very, very different year.
flurries and flakes on the first (AND second) day of spring... but was blooming indoors as we showered our loycie-loo bride-to-be this past weekend. :)
so it looks like that may have been winter's final defiant huff. time to dust off the running shoes and mountain bikes. y's on recovery from a stepped-on-at-ultimate-almost-sprained right hand that had to then haul a behemoth yogurt machine for the girlie party. much appreciated it was.
belated {now standard operating} congrats: baby zoe ya-rou truong, literally an exact replica of sister morgan @ birth!