brucie, o brucie, our 2010 valentine. we are so touched you chose us over your wife. :P or did you just use us to get to go boarding? haha. had quite some adventures in norquay, lake louise and sunshine... sleep, eat, ride, olympics. what a life. for five days. :)
other random notes: congrats to the new mr. & mrs. iao. and oh, shaun white, your olympic gold double mctwist takes our breath away. play & replay.
to the year: marching onwards...
SNOW, SNOW and more SNOW!
and yet more fluff as we head out to banff, calgary. :)
2 snow days, the weekend, a monday holiday and vacay thereafter. not complaining.
happy CNY, v-day, & president's day!
epic anthology.
we had the privilege of serving college students through music + media at a crusade e.m. conference this past weekend...
felt O-L-D and far removed from the university scene. :P but blessed w/ the team of hodgepodge area friends with similar heart, mind and love for worship... and contemplative of the decisions and choices that tell our tales, reminded of the Greatest Story that all of ours are a part of.
story of two storytellers to come.......